Industry Mourns Chuck Neville
The yacht designer and naval architect passed away earlier this year. He is remembered by Bill Parlatore of Seattle Yachts.
From the Captain's Bookshelf: Cynan Jones’ Book, Cove
A review of another great book by Cynan Jones
2017 Holiday Gift Guide
An abbreviated version of PassageMaker magazine's 2017 Holiday Gift Guide.
Man VS Seafood: When Conch Attacks
Seafood, sweet seafood; I love 'em all but are they all created equal? A cautionary tale about the ups and downs — and ups again — of Bahamian Cuisine at one local hangout.
A New Crew Keeps An Old Tradition Alive At Sea
The ship's maintenance is done. All the cleaning is done, and you've reached the point where one would go insane having to watch the same movie for the 11th time. What’s a sailor to do in this situation?
New England Burials At Sea Finds New Audience
The country of Japan has a new and genuine interest in New England and it is not relating to Blue Fin Tuna but in the sea burial category.